Machine Learning - A Love Story ♥

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1 minute read

As I was learning bits and pieces of Machine learning, just to cut out the serious deal I wrote a poem about the same. Hope you’ll enjoy it…

Oh Data! my data
I am just a skeleton without you
you fill me up with attributes and features
and poke me with sigma and pi
the world runs fine if we are together,
ours is a bonding if broken, fails!
Oh Data! my data
together we both can build a world
we stand as guides for hazy people
they learn from our relation
and wait for our recommendation
ours is a bonding if broken, fails!
They confuse us with ambiguity
but we still go on with our probability
they train hard and test hard
we just love it more to bond together
Gaussian and Bayesian are our friends
they help in finding our right chemistry
fights and errors happens often
but root mean square finds the justice
Oh Data! my data,
ours is a bonding if broken, fails!

~Vishal Raveendranathan

random thoughts, poem, machine learning
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