Quotes and Thoughts
In a bitter world, one drop of true love is an ocean in the desert.
This is indeed an wonderful thought, which I read in Brahma Kumaris Quote book. I did a small pondering over this to and realized how beautifully it has been stated.
This world is a heterogeneous collection of animals, plants and organisms of all different kind. It is all filled up with different life processes. Everyone is happy, sad, angry, cool etc tangled with all such emotional knots in a life. Hence we all say as bottom-line “life is complicated !”. Do you think it is true? Yes, it all depends on how we look at different things in the life. For example, a man who has 100 bucks can express it in two different ways: “I have hundred bucks” or “I only have 100 bucks!”. So the optimism can change these emotional complexes in our lives.
Talking about the quote expressed above, it is very true. In this bitter world of hatred, revenge, complexities, ego etc and all the negativity, a source of love is like finding a diamond in the haystack. People can take advantage of it and as well as exploit it. Just imagine of a world where people loved everyone truly without any ego and other negativity. But still there would be a imbalance in this world. There wouldn’t be any fun around and everyone would be self-sufficient. There would be no goals for the organisms to accomplish. That would be so dull. An organism is made up the apt proportions of everything, it all depends on which valve he/she turns on. This topic can be debated upon with lots of examples but in the end it comes to a neutral answer. Isn’t that a a beauty of this universe that everything is/may seem random and complex but, everything is in equilibrium.
Love is a powerful weapon, kings and knights have fought for it not just for the woman, But for the land , property, etc. We do feel this imbalance of love as mentioned in the quote above because we don’t look upon those effectively. Hence it feels as something precious. To say,precious is something which we give high priority. Thus the quote may feel something special to someone who feels it so, whereas it might feel unimportant to others. All I would like to conclude with this post is that just try to make someone happy by the end of the day, that make a lot of difference. Always make sure that you are the source of happiness at least once in a day.
Have a great day!
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